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Animazement 2012 Hotel Rooms part2

From: xltima
Sent on: Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 5:36 PM

All of the details and payment information is here:

About bed assignments, it's typically ladies first and then couples, and then a free for all. And there is always a chance that someone will be on the floor. It's also fair to rotate bed and floor places each night. I think I'll try to bring a blow-up mattress to help.

About reciepts, I believe if you pay through Amazon, you should get an email confirmation of your transaction. I'm not 100% sure on that.

If you send your payment through paypal, then you should get an email confirmation of your transaction as well. As for checks or cash, I dont have any way of making an official receipt, unless you really really want me to make one, I'll do it. But once I receive your payment in any form, you'll be mark as YES. I've been doing hotel spots here for three years now, so as long as you communicate with me, I'll resolve it.

As for other questions, post them on the event or message me directly about your inquiry. I'd rather respond on the meetup website instead of mass emailing everyone on each reply. X_X;




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