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CWCC's 4th Annual Fall Retreat!

Photo of James Blakey
Hosted By
James B. and Brian C.
CWCC's 4th Annual Fall Retreat!


Contests! Workshops! Prizes! Badminton! Ping Pong! Billiards! Fishing! Midnight Hikes! S'Mores! Grills! Cold drinks! Hot drinks! Your erudite, articulate, and helpful writing colleagues!!!!!

Wordsmith, what more could you ask for in the CWCC's 4th Annual Fall Retreat?!?

It's all taking place at Brian's beautiful home (Near Palmyra - 15 minutes south of I-64 Exit 129). Plan to stay the night if you like, either camping, or inside member Brian's spacious guesthouse. Pets, friends, kids, and significant others are welcome.

RSVPing early will help us plan the event.

The price of admission is participating in the writing contest and presenting a mininar. This requirement applies only to CWCC members. Family, friends, and guests may participate, but are not required.

To be eligible to attend the retreat, by June 15th you must have attended a minimum of four (4) CWCC events: Standard Critique, Poetry Section, Longform Group, Wordsmiths, Flash Fiction Critique, Business of Writing.

Brian does an excellent job of feeding the attendees, but consider bringing a tempting dessert or bottle of your favorite adult beverage to share with the group. If you have special dietary requirements, please let Brian know.

The Writing Contest

Write a well-crafted 200-250 word story. Prompt TBA
1.5 spacing
Garamond or Calibri font
A title

Email your story to James by the end of Wednesday, October 16th to have it included in the contest.

We will vote for our favorite story, and we will try to guess which of our fellow wordsmiths wrote which stories. Prizes for best story, the person who read the best story, and most correct guesses!

The Mininars

Member attendees should also come prepared to present an 8-10 minute workshop/seminar (mininar?) on any writing-related topic of their choice, in prose OR poetry. Examples: best use of commas, creating a believable villain, how to self-publish, tips & tricks for outlandish open-mic poetry presentations, how to sell your book on Amazon, words you should only use once per manuscript... etc, etc. Ideally, presenters will bring a 1-page handout for all attendees. Come ready to teach us something!

RSVPs will receive directions to Brian's forest retreat via direct message, as we draw closer to the event. Feel free to message me or him with questions.

Photo of Charlottesville Writers Critique Circle group
Charlottesville Writers Critique Circle
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