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URGENT new room at Haggan Community Park

From: Tian X.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 11:25 AM

Hi everyone

The new room at Hagan community park, around the corner from where we meet now, has been negotiated. It would cost a student $6 to drop in, or you can buy a pass where you pay for 7 and get the 8th free.  Roughly it comes to $24 a month.

This gives us a heated and cooled room and bathrooms, and a tea pot and eating area.

Of the 6 or so people who come regularly, I need to know if you would be willing to start paying this low price for a better place to practice?

The cold was really something this past Saturday and effected a few people. We can try it for a few months and if it doesn't work out go back to where we are now.

please get back to me an let me know ASAP as I have to give them an answer this week and pay for live scan finger printing for myself.

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