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ProductCamp Chicago Coming up on March 30th!

From: Oleg Y.
Sent on: Monday, March 11, 2019, 1:55 PM

Hello Product Managers,

Our goal is to always keep you apprised of news and related events in our industry, so it pleases me to let you know that the next ProductCamp Chicago, founded by ChiPMA veteran David Radzialowski is scheduled for March 30th at TechNexus. They have Sean Johnson as their keynote speaker and several interesting discussion session topics already posted.  Make sure you register for the event before it fills up.

They also have a few more available slots for the discussion sessions.  If you have a product management topic that you want to discuss, post it.  If it gets the votes, you will get the chance to present it for discussion with your peers.  It's a great way to build your professional reputation and connect with your fellow PM's.

Finally, if your company hires product managers or sells to product managers, you might want to consider sponsoring their event.  It's a great way to support the community and build your brand name at the same time. The details are on their site.

David looks forward to seeing you there!

Oleg Yazvin

ChiPMA Co-Organizer, Content Manager

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