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3 Java SW Engineers Needed in Chicago - 2 Sr. Leads and one developer

From: Sara K.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 7:27 PM



My names is Sara Kincaid and I work for the Conde Group, a staffing firm focused on IT / Engineering opportunities throughout the US.  I am emailing you in regards to 3 Permanent Opportunities I currently have available with our client in Chicago, Il. 


We are seeking 3 highly motivated and technically proficient JEE Software Engineers / Software Developers to work on our clients industry leading and mission critical Paid Media Management (Search Engine Marketing, bid management) product.


Features of the position:


Work on a high-visibility, high performance product that supports industry leading SEM practice in a growing and fast moving industry.

Work closely with all of the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, AOL) and their APIs.

Work in a fast moving and forward thinking development environment that is constantly researching and rapidly implementing the latest technologies.

Research and participate in the advancement and implementation of open source frameworks and architectures such as SOA/ESB, MapReduce, Grid and Cloud computing, and others.

Work with an experienced Agile Software Development team in a highly collaborative environment.

Modern Java Enterprise open source based product stack, Java 6, Spring, Hibernate 3, Webworks/Struts 2, JMS, JUnit, MySQL and more.

Learn current software development best practices (continuous integration, build automation, test driven development, pair programming, agile estimating and planning, etc)

Apple MacBook Pro, 24” widescreen monitor

A casual, fun, and creative work environment

Major Job Responsibilities / Accountabilities:


Write test driven quality code.

Work closely with your dev team.

Follow and encourage development best practices.

Develop knowledge of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) principles and techniques.




Required Technologies (At least one or more of the following)



SQL scripts

Shell Scripting

Webwork (Struts 2.0)

Linux / Unix admin

Junit (required) or TDD (preferred)

Grid Computing (GridGain preferred)


Bonus Technologies (Preferred any of these)

MySQL (especially advanced knowledge of replication, storage engines, backup and recovery)


Data warehousing design concepts, ETL

Mondrian or other open source OLAP tools


Hadoop, Map Reduce or other Grid Technologies


Knowledge / Skills / Abilities:


BS in Computer Science or equivalent level of experience

Understanding and/or appreciation for Agile software development methodologies.

5-8 yrs of professional development experience.

Familiarity with source control using Subversion

Familiarity with IDE tools such as Eclipse or IntelliJ

Must possess effective interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work successfully in a team environment.

Good organizational and time-management skills.



I am hoping that you may be able to help me out with this position.  If you are interested, or know of anyone who might be, I’d love to hear from you!  Please feel free to contact me in regards to this, as well as the number of other opportunities we currently have available. 


Looking forward to hearing from you!




Best Regards,


Sara Kincaid

Recruiting Specialist

Conde Group, Inc  Consulting and Staffing Services

"Bringing the best to your Projects"

Phone[masked] ext 105


Connect with me on:  LinkedIn


Certified member of Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)


Ranked #33 out of the Top 50 fastest- growing woman owned companies in San

Diego by the San Diego Business Journal 2006.

Ranked #45 out of the Top 100 fastest -growing private companies in San

Diego by the San Diego Business Journal 2007.

Ranked #24 out of the Top 100 fastest growing private companies in San

Diego by the San Diego Business Journal 2008.

Ranked #64 out of the Top 100 fastest-growing private companies in San

Diego by the San Diego Business Journal 2009.  


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