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Happy Easter and Passover

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, April 8, 2012, 9:13 AM

Hi all,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend with their families! I wanted to remind you that we are only a week away from the regular deadline for The 2012 Chicago Screenwriters Network Contest. This is the only contest which is only open to Midwestern writers. Why? We want to give the writers from the middle the chance to be noticed by Hollywood. The grand prize winner will win a 4-day/3-night trip for 2 to LA to meet with industry execs. Four runners-up will receive $250. All will receive a new version of Final Draft, pitches to Virtual Pitchfest, The Screenwriters Bible by Dave Trottier, On the Page by Pilar Alessandra and CSN pitching your script for one year!


And we're going to celebrate your winnings at our awards ceremony at the Mayne Stage!


It's a helluva prize package for only $55.


This is also the best year of companies we have ever had reading and, yes, judging the scripts. Charisse Nesbit, Lion's Gate's former development head, WME, Paradigm, Highstreet Management, Benderspink, Periscope Entertaiment, Vertigo Entertainment, Kristine Krupp Talent Agency, Foremost Management, Lawrence Bender Productions, Madhouse Entertainment to name a few.


If you have a screenplay, I implore you to enter it. You may be the one going to LA! To enter go to:


Have a great holiday!

