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CSM Gear

From: Richard D.
Sent on: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 7:53 PM
Hi Everyone!

As everyone knows, CSM gear, T-shirts, hats, stickers, is available via Cafepress. What better way to show your support for the group by adding a great CSM product to your wardrobe. There are a variety of shirts and other great items in an array of styles and colors. With the holiday season quickly approaching, what could make a better small gift than a product promoting the CSM?

In these uncertain and difficult economic times, we all know money might be difficult to come by and budgets tightened. There are great products, however, that start under $5. What makes it better is that a small portion of all sales come back to the group to be used to help fund our activities.

So, click on the link below to check out the gear and make your purchase!

Thanks, and as always, happy and safe diving!

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