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South Side Spanish (Bridgeport)

Photo of Pablo
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South Side Spanish (Bridgeport)


Estás invitado a un grupo de habla español. Aquí no se juzga, es bienvenido/a el que sea nativo/a o al que este recién empezando. Lo único que te pedimos es que hagas un esfuerzo ya que es primordial que español sea el idioma que se esté utilizando. Nos veremos en el Unity Center ubicado en 3339 s Halsted. Trae tu propia bebida (BYOB), trae tu propia comida si quieres. Hay varios restaurantes donde se puede comprar comida para traer. Hay estacionamiento de paga sobre la Halsted o puedes encontrar estacionamiento gratis en una calle residencial.

You are invited to a Spanish speaking group. There is no judgment here, you are welcome to join if you are a native speaker or if you are just starting out. The only thing we ask is that you make an effort, as it is essential that Spanish is the language being used. We will meet at the Unity Center located at 3339 s Halsted. Bring your own beverage (BYOB), bring your own food. There are several restaurants where you can purchase food to bring. There is paid parking on Halsted or you can find free parking on a residential street.

Photo of The Chicago Spanish Language Meetup Group group
The Chicago Spanish Language Meetup Group
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Every 2 weeks on Saturday

3339 S Halsted St
3339 S Halsted St · Chicago, IL
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