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What we’re about

We're a group of Doctor Who fans who get together in person and virtually to socialize, watch episodes, or listen to audio dramas. Although we're based in Chicago, we welcome anyone interested in Doctor Who.

(Note to medical professionals - we're not about medical doctors. Yes, we've had people show up asking if they can network with other doctors. We're still waiting to our first Time Lord because that would be awesome.)

We welcome anyone interested in Doctor Who. Whether you started with PBS "back in the day" or just learned about the show, you're welcome to join us. We meet both virtually and in person in the Chicago area.

If you want to know our plans for the month, please subscribe to our monthly email newsletter. (Don't worry - we won't sell your data). You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter, and we encourage members to become sponsors on Patreon to keep our meets free (and low-cost), accessible, and inclusive.

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation with the BBC or its companies. Doctor Who (word marks, logos, and devices) and TARDIS, are trademarks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are not used under license. The Daleks are (c) the estate of Terry Nation and not used under license. Doctor Who logo (c) BBC 1996 TARDIS image (c) BBC 1963

Upcoming events (3)

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