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Join us at the August Meetup!

From: Patrick K.
Sent on: Monday, August 3, 2015, 11:55 AM

Hello CHM Members,

I hope this summer finds your harmonica playing hot as a summer's eve and cool as a Sunday breeze.

We are enjoying a stretch back at Durty Nellie's in Palatine for our monthly Meetups.

This great little neighborhood pub, just off the tracks of the Metra Rail Line, has a long history with our Meetup, stretching all the way back to day one in 2010 when our founder started the Harmonica Lovers Near Palatine Meetup, which eventually became your current Chicago Harmonica Meetup.

Durty Nellie's has a great menu, the service and prices are excellent, and management has our Meetup booked into their  Smith Street Station, a spacious and well-appointed room with fine acoustics.

CHM sets up a PA system with tube amp, music stand, accompanying guitar (or backing tracks if you wish) and microphones for our members' use.

Won't you come out and join us for our August Meetup? We need your attendance to keep our Meetup healthy, active and fun! Please RSVP "Yes" on our website to attend!


Patrick Knight
Organizer, Chicago Harmonica Meetup