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Product Breakfast Club (Virtual)

Photo of Alyse
Hosted By
Alyse . and Jennifer F.
Product Breakfast Club (Virtual)


Topic: TBD

Breakfast Club is virtual. Put on your favorite robe and grab a cup of joe. It's a good time to share your experiences and learn from other product people.

7:50 - 8:10am: Join, Network, Introductions, and Announcements
8:10 - 9:00am: Discussion of the monthly topic
9:00 - 9:15am: Wrap-up/network

The Breakfast Club, which meets the first Friday of every month, is an informal gathering of product people interested in talking/learning about product development and networking with other product development professionals. You do not need to be a registered member of the PDMA to participate and there is no cost. Just RSVP and join the conversation. Log on/off anytime.

Join us on Zoom.

Photo of Chicago PDMA (Product Development Management Assoc.) group
Chicago PDMA (Product Development Management Assoc.)
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