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Food for Holiday Potluck

From: Dee D.
Sent on: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 12:13 PM
Hi Everyone! 
The holidays are approaching quickly! Just in case you don't often go to the meetup page, here is the info members have given me so far on what they are bringing for the potluck:

pasta salad and something gluten free 
a fruit salad 
a savory dish of some sort 
buffalo chicken dip 
Spicy Guacamole & Chips 
Dessert – cinnamon twists

There will be plenty of holiday cheer as well - fixin's for mimosas and bloody marys and some eggnog and homemade mulled wine. Of course, if you don't wish to imbibe, there will be soft drinks available as well.

We hope you'll be able to make it for the fun! If you're coming and you've already responded, Thank you! If you haven't responded here's a link to the party page:  If you're coming but you haven't given me an idea of what you're bringing please visit the link and update your RSVP accordingly! Thanks, Everyone! :-) Hope we'll see you there next Sunday!

Dee Dee Sanford
Chicago Pug Meetup Group