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Curry Club - Masala City, Chichester (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE)

Photo of Raymond Hagger
Hosted By
Raymond H.
Curry Club - Masala City,  Chichester 


Please note we are now visiting Masala City as Nameste Punjab had clearly forgotten our booking and are now closed Tuesdays. Sorry for the late change. Thank you jools for sorting in my absence.

Now normal menu; it’s not a banquet night.

Cancellation Policy
I am not taking a deposit but I do ask if you do need to cancel you change your RSVP on Meet up to allow others to take your place. I would also ask you cancel as soon as you know you will be unable to attend and not leave it to the day of the event. I appreciate genuine emergencies do happen and if you do need to cancel within 24 hours of the event please not only change your RSVP but message me in order that I can offer your place to someone else (even if no waiting list) and/or advise the restaurant as to the change of numbers. Please also remember to change your RSVP if you are on the waiting list and can no longer attend. Late cancellations on the evening of the Curry Club (after midday) may result in you being charged.

Important: If you do RSVP as attending please turn up.
PS: Cancellations on the day can be annoying as many restaurants do not open lunchtime mid week. I normally confirm numbers the night before, but too often I have to try and contact the restaurant and on more than one occasion to change/ reduce numbers which can be time consuming as well as embarrassing . Remember I still work.

Photo of Chichester Social Group group
Chichester Social Group
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Masala City (formally Masala Gate)
8 St. Pancras, Chichester · West Sussex
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14 spots left