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What we’re about

Hello and welcome!

This group is a home for anyone looking for "different" ways of experiencing London, making new friends and having fun.

To start with, this group will focus on a game I've built called Chicken Rush. This game involves someone in an adult-size Chicken costume running off to hide in a nearby pub or bar, then teams race to find them first while completing silly challenges along the way.

It's part-scavenger hunt, part-pub crawl and all-fun.

I hope this community grows and we can put on some hilarious events. All I want is to keep creating more fun & quirky games for you all to try out!

We'll be running one free game every month that's open to everyone, do come along!

We also run some games with a twist - our Blind Dates games are just for singles (next one on 16th September) and we recently chased Wally instead of a Chicken for the first ever game of Where's Wally in real life...

Come join our flock! πŸ”

You can follow us on Instagram too for more updates - @thechickenrush