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What we’re about

We welcome everyone who is interested in pressing pause and joining with others to meditate. This group is open to people of all backgrounds, ages and beliefs.

Contemplative practice (also known as meditation or silent prayer) refers to the spiritual art of turning to the sacred within, through the disciplines of stillness and awareness.

Through these simple practices we may be liberated from the resistances and self-orientated habits that veil the sacred.

Even after committing to the practice for a short period of time, people regularly report that they experience greater peace, improved relationships and a more conscious connection to God.

A growing number of people from all walks of life gather together via Zoom every Saturday between 08:30 – 09:30 (UK time) and every Wednesday between 20:00 - 20:40 (UK time). You're warmly welcome to either or both!

Each session is free of charge and includes a short teaching, some simple guidelines and a 25 minute period of silent meditation.  At the end, we have time for conversation and shared exploration of any questions that may arise.

The sessions are led by Chris Whittington - Founder of The School of Contemplative Life.

Upcoming events (4+)

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