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What we’re about

Welcome to Christian Parents and Teens for Israel, a faith-based advocacy, prayer, and support group dedicated to standing in solidarity with the nation of Israel. This is group is for Parents with teenagers, and all teenagers must be accompanied an adult or be over 18 years old.

As parents of teenagers, we recognize the importance of instilling a deep appreciation for Israel's history, culture, and significance in the hearts of our youth. Our group provides a nurturing environment for parents and teens to come together, learn, and take action in support of Israel.

Through prayer, education, and advocacy, we aim to strengthen the bond between Christians and the land of Israel. We believe in the biblical mandate to bless Israel and are committed to standing firm in support of its right to exist as a sovereign nation.

Join us as we engage in meaningful dialogue, organize events, and support initiatives aimed at celebrating Israel's achievements, advocating for its security, and fostering understanding and friendship between Christians and the people of Israel. Together, as a community of Christian parents and teens, we can make a positive impact and demonstrate unwavering support for Israel's continued prosperity and peace.

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