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What we’re about

Welcome to Christian Parents and Teens for Palestine, a faith-based advocacy, prayer, and support group dedicated to standing in solidarity with the people of Palestine. This is for parents and teens, and all teens must be accompanied by an adult.

As parents of teenagers, we understand the importance of nurturing empathy, compassion, and justice in our youth. Our group provides a safe space for parents and teens to come together, learn, and take action in support of Palestinian rights.

Through prayer, education, and advocacy, we seek to amplify the voices of those affected by the ongoing struggles in Palestine. We believe in the power of faith to inspire meaningful change and are committed to advocating for justice, peace, and dignity for all Palestinians.

Join us as we engage in meaningful dialogue, organize events, and support initiatives aimed at raising awareness and advocating for the rights of Palestinians. Together, as a community of Christian parents and teens, we can make a difference and stand as witnesses to the values of compassion, justice, and solidarity.