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What we’re about

This group is for you (Single Dads and Single Moms) if:

• You are exhausted daily with all the hats you wear and responsibilities you have as a single parent (including but not limited to: employee, medical advocate, entrepreneur, chef, event planner, disciplinarian, house cleaner, [fill in the blank], etc.)

• You are doing your absolute best to guide your child(ren) in the right ways (Biblically) but it seems like you’re losing.

• You feel like the “other parent” gets all the praise and credit for the hard work YOU put in for the growth, development, and well-being for your kiddos and you are working hard not to be bitter/angry.

• You feel lonelier than you’d like to admit and you long for a more consistent & supportive network or folks who can relate.

• You want to make more friends—authentic relationships— and maybe even try dating again and eventually “do life” with someone.

• You are done being and feeling manipulated by your child(ren), and you want to learn to set healthy boundaries with them without feeling like a monster of a parent.

• You want to enjoy life too, and not allow circumstances or responsibilities to suck the life, creativity, energy, and spontaneity out of you.

• You need an outlet to vent and just “be”and a place where you can receive empathy, laughs, understanding, help, and be surrounded by a bunch of other people who are also “winging it.”

I’m no expert, but I do believe there are others out there dealing with these things.

So, let’s meet to:

  1. Encourage (and pray for) each other when we feel like we’re sucking as parents (even if we’re doing our very best), or when we’re faced with challenging times with our kiddos.
  2. Share ideas, tips and strategies for more effective parenting, starting with helpful resources like “Boundaries with Kids” book and workbook.
  3. Do fun, refreshing, and relaxing things together, so we’re not so isolated.
  4. Help each other with larger-than-life projects that feel too daunting to complete by ourselves, or that we just would rather do with a group (as long as we feel safe enough to do so)
  5. Support each other in our personal, professional, and developmental goals so we don’t lose our spark, creativity, or passion for those things we believe align with our purpose in life.
  6. Build new friendships and potential grow new relationships.
  7. Throw success parties to celebrate our victories and accomplishments (big and small)!

This group is for Single Parents: MEN and WOMEN. We need balance, so don’t be shy.