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What we’re about

The Cincinnati Wellness Wanderers explore the shared goal of promoting sustainable and holistic well-being, while simultaneously nurturing a deeper connection with the natural world. We are from various backgrounds, and identify as environmental enthusiasts, health and wellness professionals, travel enthusiasts, and eco-conscious individuals. Our explorations will gather on the trail, near a waterfall, and beneath the expanse of wide sky. These gatherings will foster a sense of unity with the environment and nurture an escape from daily life.

Check us out and discover a new opportunity to incorporate nature-based mindfulness into your personal growth plans. In the meantime, here's our values:

Eco-Conscious Wandering: We are dedicated to traveling in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. We prioritize eco-friendly accommodations and carbon footprint reduction, and strive to have a positive impact on the places we visit.

Holistic Well-being: We value holistic wellness and include activities like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and outdoor fitness classes in our eco-wanderings.

Nature Immersion: Activities like hiking, camping, bird-watching, forest bathing, and wildlife observation strengthens our connection to the natural world and inner peace.

Lifelong Learning: We host workshops and educational sessions on topics such as responsible tourism, personal growth, spiritual development, eco-conscious living, and peaceful living. These sessions promote personal growth and encourage positively aligned choices.

Community Building: We foster a strong sense of community by organizing group discussions, social gatherings, and volunteer opportunities related to our shared values.

Upcoming events (4+)

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