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Making the Switch from Google SMTP to OAuth for FileMaker Email

Photo of Claris Beyond
Hosted By
Claris B.
Making the Switch from Google SMTP to OAuth for FileMaker Email


Google has announced that starting September 30, 2024, all email transmissions through their servers will require OAuth authentication, instead of simple SMTP authentication. This change is part of Google's ongoing efforts to enhance security and protect user data. The June Meetup will be a group discussion about the various factors involved in that change. We'll review some solutions we're implementing for clients, and we also want to hear about your approach.

12pm PT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET / 8pm BST

We end each call with two breakout sessions:

  • Continue the Conversation
  • Joint Problem Solving

Stay and ask more questions about the integration topic. Or bring something you're stuck on, to get collaborative input from the group.

If you aren't able to make the call, check out the Claris Beyond YouTube channel for past sessions. The Zoom session will be added there also.

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