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Blog feed

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Monday, October 29, 2007, 5:46 PM
Alright four more folks have added themselves to our blog feed. As mentioned right now this is just experimental. Here are some considersations:

First, those of you that are added might want to set your feeds to only display a snippet. While I personally would have liked to just read one feed down for all of the posts, this presents some issues. First it might make our feed appear in a google search instead of your blog (when folks are searching content that is actually on your blog). Next, it prevents folks from seeing your handiwork (your themes). How you change this setting, ive not a clue. But I would suggest doing so, then only a couple of paragraphs will appear in the feeder. This way, folks will be encouraged to join.

Also we are going to have to think in the future about the best way to handle the feeder. I was thinking of using :   as a way of mimicing the planet.bla readers. I think a couple of folks mentioned some caveats to this (something to do with SEO?) any comments are welcome.

In addition, the current reader is set up to read any blogs that are added. As a member of the CWSA, you are welcome to have any of your blogs aggregated. We are not really limiting language or content. (Yes some of us do use words that might not be happy in church...) But if you have an NSFW post, please post that as soon as possible in the blog, preferably in the title..just in case. I realize Not Safe For Work hopefully we can err on the side of caution here.\

In addition I want to know if folks want to have a reader specifically for technical blogs? Or do we want to continue having all blogs lumped together. I think if we get very large and in particular have many sigs, we might have one large reader for all of our blogs and then several topic specific readers. Just an idea.

Finally if anyone else wants to have their blog aggregated, please email me or the list and I will add you as soon as I can.

As always, kind regards to all of yall
Joseph James Frantz

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