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Re: [webdesign-396] <div><tag> support question

From: user 9.
Sent on: Monday, March 17, 2008, 5:31 PM

Do you know if she used frontpage to 
create the page?  If so go into edit 
source mode and just delete <div><tag>­

Thats it.  If you want me to do it for 
you I can.

--- dave van horn <[address removed]> wrote:

> Long ago and far away, our web designer took a
> powder for one of our sites,
> and left us high and dry (yes, she was paid in full,
> and in advance, go
> figure ) without providing us with the training and
> support that was part of
> the agreement; I'll think twice about hiring a
> Millennia Gen Programmer.
> I've been very disappointed with the work ethic on
> two occasions. Sorry to
> bark, but I continue to find a work ethic, and pride
> in workmanship ethic
> missing, though I've found a ton of talent.  
> The problem I am experiencing is this..
> I am in the process of finishing out the work she
> left undone which was also
> part of the agreement,  includes adding affiliate
> links into the template of
> our authors' mini-site. For an example of the goat
> rodeo I created, see: 
> The code was written with a bunch of <div> <tag>
> stuff that makes it
> impossible for a non-programmer type like me to
> embed the affiliate links so
> they look good, and so our authors can take
> advantage affiliate dollars for
> their fund raising efforts. 
> Could one of you kind folks assist me in teaching me
> how to fix this..? 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Dave Van Horn
> [address removed]
> k

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