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Re: [webdesign-396] In praise of action

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 5:57 PM
Re: Eric Meyer's email,

Actually that is one of my problems, waiting until I think everything
is just right. I didn't want to get caught up in that thinking here because
my skills are not on par with yall's for most of this stuff. However I
also do not want to get locked down in certain programs way of doing
things. For instance MediaWiki uses InnoDB which prevents a binary
only backup. (For instance MyISAM tables I can just cp from CLI). So
that eliminates a convenience for me. For the amount of data we will
have in the beginning the advantages of InnoDB are perhaps lost on us,
compared to its disadvantages (this is for the time being of course).

However, all of that being said, I am completely with Nate on designing
our own things. I think the advantage of having complete control is
going to help us do things we might be restricted from otherwise. Not
to mention it will help us keep our code crisp, clean, simple and short.
(Old School KISS programmer here). In addition, having these kinds of
projects documented, will be great case studies for others.

One of the things I can begin to contribute (after some licensing issues
are worked out) is a project Ive been working on at my job. Basically
just a code generator. Simple stuff really though, which means, if we
use it, and finesse it so that it is more professional, some of the things we
want to do, we can do simply by creating a mysql Create Table statement.
From there, the code to search, insert, update, both in mysql stored procs
and php (for now) is generated. If we are able to leverage tools like this,
we can eliminate a lot of the workload that a lot of the other software creators
have to go through. An example, we have a notes module for keeping track
of anything done for a customer. Basically that's not too far off from a forum.
Add a bit of formatting, some triggers, email notification, CSS and we've
got a very very simple, easy to track Forum.

Just some more ideas to add to the mix.

Kind regards all,
Joseph James Frantz

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