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New Meetup: Beginner's Night (Wednesday)

From: Erika S.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 10:54 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Clear Water Zen Center!

What: Beginner's Night (Wednesday)

When: December 1,[masked]:00 PM

Clear Water Zen Center
2476 Nursery Road
Clearwater, FL 33764

The Clear Water Zen Center hosts Beginning Meditation every Wednesday evening from 7-8. We do two rounds of seated meditation (about 15 minutes each), separated by a round of walking meditation. Basic meditation instruction given. While we are a Zen Buddhist group, we invite individuals from all faiths (or no faith at all).

For those interested in a form of meditation known as counting the breath, the method is to breathe naturally and to count each exhalation as it happens. When you reach the number ten, return to one. If you daydream and forget what number comes next, go back to one.

Learn more here:

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