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CodeMash Call for Speakers

From: Scott S.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 9:30 AM

Hi All,

CodeMash (great local developers conference) has opened their call for speakers (see below).  Let's get more Java topics on the agenda this year!  Submit your talk.




Good morning,

I hope everybody is having a great summer! Despite the heat, the CodeMash organizers are already thinking about those cold days in January when 1,500+ fellow developers get together to talk tech, play games and splash around the Kalahari waterpark.

We'll be opening the call for speakers really soon, sometime later today in fact. You can submit a session proposal by heading over to As always, we're looking for a wide variety of cutting edge, cross-cutting topics which capture the imagination and enrich the knowledge of our attendees.

The session window will be open until September 15, so don't procrastinate!


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