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[Book Marketing] Creating 'Word of Mouth' to 'World of Mouth' Awareness for your Book

From: dave van h.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 26, 2017, 2:51 PM

Thoughts to Get your Book to Become Contagious

Dear Cleveland Writer Group Member:

I hope this article finds you well, and inspires to move your project forward.

One of the greatest pieces of advice I can share with you, is spend more time coming to understand YOUR BOOK's VALUE to your reader. People read what makes them feel good. You need to get in tune with the factors that make things go viral to create word-of-mouth campaigns to sell more books. To that end, I recently heard Jonah Berger speak on this topic related directly at Authors. Here's notes:

Jonah Berger is a marketing professor at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and the bestselling author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On and Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior.

Click below to see the full article!

How to go from Word of Mouth to World of Mouth for Book Authors

Look forward to seeing you in October. Our featured speaker is Ms. Katherine Miracle.

Remember if you need book development coaching, book marketing, digital marketing, or even just a simple author website, give me a call. I'm always glad to help.





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