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New Meetup: WhirlyBall Competition

From: Dyuanna
Sent on: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 1:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Cleveland Area Black Professionals!

What: WhirlyBall Competition

When: September 13,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: All work and no play???? Well, it's time to get your game on!!

You are about to enter into a whole new Dimension; the Whirly Zone! Your Mount: a WhirlyBug, an incredibly maneuverable, specially equipped bumper car. Your Weapon: a plastic, extremely accurate throwing, catching and shooting device. Your Teammates: four other daring, fun-loving individuals equipped the same as yourself. Your Opponents: five other individuals who supposedly think they can beat you. The Arena: a 80' x 50' totally enclosed court with a backboard at either end. Your Objective: to beat your opponents by scoring more points within the game time of 15 minutes. Your Goal: to have more fun than you've ever had in your life!

In addition to WhirlyBall and Laser-Sport, there are video games in their lobby. At the bar, they sell a selection of beer, wine, wine coolers, and soft drinks. Catering is available through select restaurants on their menu.

Who has game? Hey, I said...WHO HAS GAME??!?!? Well, if you have game...RSVP and let the games begin.

A reservation is required and the court cost is $145/hour. The cost will be split equally according to the number of PAID RSVP's and the number of hours we want (upto 3 hours).

Learn more here:

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