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Cleveland Game Devs 2012 Survey

From: Matt P.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 28, 2012, 6:48 PM

Hello CGD members,

The organizers of Cleveland Game Devs would appreciate feedback from everyone on the events we've been running. I feel like 2012 has been a fantastic year thanks to our partnerships with LaunchHouse and Handelabra Studio. We've also seen growing activity and discussion within the CGD Facebook Group.

We want to make sure all of our members are having positive experiences and having their interests met. A few minutes of your time to fill out the survey and share your opinions or ideas will help us plan events to satisfy everyone.

Survey Link :


And if there's an idea or issue you want to bring directly to our attention, please feel free to email Steve or I. We're always on the lookout for new events and suggestions.


Matt Perrin

Asst. Organizer, Cleveland Game Devs

Twitter: @mattperrin





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