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What we’re about

Our Climate Tech Meetup Group in Lisbon is committed to bringing together a community of startups and professionals who are passionate about leveraging technology to address the pressing challenges of climate and biodiversity change. Our mission is to foster collaboration, innovation, and education to accelerate the development and deployment of climate and biodiversity solutions. As part of a global network of like-minded individuals and groups, we aim to facilitate knowledge sharing, build partnerships, and promote meaningful change towards a more sustainable future for all. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive impact across cities and countries, inspiring a movement of climate action on a global scale.

In 1972, Limits to Growth forecast that population growth, resource depletion, and environmental damage would combine to create existential challenges for human civilization. Over the past 50 years, powerful industrial interests have fought with growing public awareness and trans-national institutional efforts to transform our societies away from fossil fuels, air, land, and ocean pollution, and biodiversity loss. Today, we stand on a precipice. The debates and challenges are acute. I have long believed that sustainable development has to be profitable to be sustainable - that every green, circular, and renewable change in the industrial business model has to have revenue generating products, customers, and growth. As we begin to develop a community of Climate and Biodiversity Tech Leaders in Lisbon and beyond, we can explore a huge range of issues to find practical and investible solutions that meet humand and natural needs to overcome Limits to Growth.