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Fwd: FW: [Gunks Climbing Group] climbing accident at Peter's Kill 7/19

From: Paula
Sent on: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 5:20 PM
2 B ever so careful!!!!!!!!

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Sent: 7/21/[masked]:59:10 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FW: [Gunks Climbing Group] climbing accident at Peter's Kill 7/19

Might be good to forward this to our climbing group.  I got it from my AMC group.


Sent: Monday, July 20, [masked]:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Gunks Climbing Group] climbing accident at Peter's Kill 7/19





I was right there when this happened. I was toproping with Jersey meetup group. I didn't see him falling but the people from my group did and they rushed to help him and get some help. What happend was he was looking over the ledge for setting up the rope. He had not tied in and Thank you AMC for teaching us that we need to tie into the webbing when we are close to the ledge. If he had done this he could have avoided this accident. So he fell off from 80ft and I heard broke his head( he was seriously hurt). I didn't go to see him, though he was around the corner from where I was climbing. It would have upsetted me and also it would have crowded the place. Hope this helps Amy and don't forget to tie in. I don't know why so many don't tie in. None of the people from my group tied in when setting up. I didn't go close to the ledge. So it might be pain in the neck to do this small extra work but your life will be saved fromt this simple act. I feel as people get confident they tend to ignore these things. But please don't....Life is short as it is, lets not make it shorter.


Happy and safe Climbing!!!



Subject: [Gunks Climbing Group] climbing accident at Peter's Kill 7/19
Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 2:13 PM


To those of you who provided advice for me on top roping last weekend -- thanks!  I really appreciated the help.  We found our way to Golden Dream Wall, which was already taken, but we ended up at the Chalkboard area, which was quite challenging but a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, as we were hiking out, emergency vehicles appeared in the parking area, quickly followed by the Medivac/Aeromed.  I heard briefly from a bystander that a climber had fallen and was unconscious.  I looked it up this morning, and found a brief report on Rockclimbing. com (I believe) from someone who had been on the scene -- it simply said that a climber had been on a ledge at Terror Dome (?), had been wearing a harness but had not been roped in, and had fallen, and was Medivac'ed from the scene. 

I don't want to be rubber-necker, but this was really upsetting and scary.  I would be interested to know what went wrong, if you know about the accident or hear about what happened... maybe I can learn something that will help me be a safer climber and partner.

Take care everyone!