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What we’re about

We wish to celebrate our need as women to gather together on a regular basis as part of our feminine makeup. When we meet each month, we will talk, share, laugh, listen and connect. We will also enjoy programs that are focused on providing wellness for the mind, body and spirit.
The idea of the Red Tent came from a place in history where women and girls were isolated each month at the time of their menses. Some form of this concept has been practiced by many cultures for thousands of years around the world. The results were that the women found great relief and joy from their shared company. They gained strength, felt uplifted and more relaxed because of these monthly meetings in the “Red Tent”.
We hope that our modern “Red Tent Retreat and Social Gathering captures the spirit of the historical Red Tent experience with every smile and hug we give to one another. Let’s ease stress and worries with camaraderie and; build deep, long lasting friendships.