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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in California native plants, gardening, good food, Regenerative Organic Agriculture, and having fun with like-minded friends.

VOLUNTEER: Come to our volunteer training, second Saturday of the month!
JOIN THE COMMUNITY: Come to our weekly Monday Potlucks!
LEARN ABOUT PLANTS: Come to our weekly Thursday plant talks!

At California Native Garden Foundation, our vision is a world where children have access to nature, people can grow their own food locally, and there is a balance between human activity and natural ecology. Volunteering with us might look like: planting, propagating, seeding, weeding, thinning, mulching, composting, harvesting, and more! We've had volunteers who write, create content, work events — we're interested in your skills and passions to see how we can work together in service of the microbes.

Together, we can cultivate change, and we would LOVE for you to join us in the garden. Any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to Hope to see you soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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