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What we’re about

Life can be tricky. Throughout our journey we may find ourselves navigating through periods of self-doubt, low motivation to pursue goals or even get out of bed, aimlessness, chronic procrastination, less-than-optimal mindsets, and a lack of discipline for doing what matters.

The events regularly focus on what is going on under the surface, right down to the level of our Central Nervous System and Mindsets, to recognize how you can improve your motivation, adopt quality stress-management practices, achieve and maintain healthy habits, forge discipline, overcome procrastination and to successfully set and achieve goals.

Attending the events held by this group will provide you with potent, peer-reviewed, or evidence-based tools that will help you improve everyday life.

About the organizer:
Matty works in the Australian criminal justice field, using science-based approaches to coach, mentor and guide involuntary clients towards literal rewiring of their behaviours. He has worked with hundreds of clients, taught hundreds of officers, and delivered seminars to hundreds of different people worldwide. Matty continues to lead research alongside professors and lecturers investigating behaviour change methodologies, and is now permitted to bring his knowledge to the general public.

With experience in orienting individuals towards fundamental change, Matty has a significant understanding of psychiatric and psychological challenges that can impair motivation and drive.

Primarily engaging with clients that disclose an almost 100% prevalence of complex, developmental or intergenerational trauma, Matty gets results through evidence-based methods. He has also taught over 200 officers of the CJS behaviour change interviewing and intervention.

Some Meetup members may be in pursuit of more relating to behaviour change. Matty and other practitioners in his company offer evidence-based coaching and guidance to truly overcome barriers between you and the life you want. Matty limits the number of clients he works with at a time to 15 (worldwide) however regularly has people graduate out of his programs by overcoming issues of motivation, procrastination and habits that are ineffective.

Connect with Matty via these alternative sites:
Instagram (DM Matty or follow for actionable content)
Matty's website

If you're currently engaged with a Life Coach, Therapist or Psychologist, reach out to Matty to discuss how their practice can be enhanced for you. Rather than change your relationship with Practitioners, Matty is happy to discuss with you ways that you can supercharge their sessions.

A note from Matty:
Coaching is something that I offer for people serious about overcoming issues in their life. I only advertise coaching to the UK, US and Canada. Why not in Australia? Simple answer: time of day and daily responsibilities as a father of twin toddlers. Perhaps you can help me grow my social media? It is only recent that I have been permitted by my government agency to share my skills worldwide so I am still getting a grasp on the social media element.

I endeavour to keep it affordable, and so offer a number of different pricing structures including short-term week-to-week. I have had to adapt my pricing model because often people experience results quite quickly, and it was no longer relevant to offer 12month packages.
For those deciding to undertake life coaching, access a free session by completing the following Google survey:
Getting to know you - questionnaire

United States Meetup group (approx 700 members)
United Kingdom Meetup group (approx 750 members)