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Re: [codecrewny] Looking for help on an AngularJS app

From: CHris Kayode S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 21, 2014, 5:22 PM
I would like to Learn SASS i used LESS  and heard that it is better to know at least one then none

Chris Samuel

Jan 21,[masked]:20、Lingke Wang <[address removed]> のメッセージ:


I was wondering if there's anyone out there interesting in working with my partner and I to deploy a fairly extensive AngularJS app ( We've done a lot of work already but really want to bring in one or two other people to help us because the project's scope is expanding rapidly beyond the time we have.

Our progress:
- Mostly completed backend & API
- Partially completed front end in AngularJS/jQuery/Bootstrap (~60% or so done)
- Partially completed Karma/Jasmine unit test & protractor E2E test suite
- Semi-automated build/deployment with Grunt

We're looking for one or two people who:
- Have at least 5-10 hours a week
- Have a solid understanding of HTML/CSS (SASS would be even better but we can teach that to you)
- Have decent understanding of JS fundamentals and basic understanding in AngularJS (we can teach this to you)
- Are comfortable with Github & command line
- Love learning and coding!

Let me know if you're interested ([address removed]). Don't hesitate to reach out even if you are not super experienced with web development. We're happy to teach you as long as you are want to learn! I started at literally zero (some basic HTML only) just 6 months ago but working on this app has brought me a really long ways.

PS: Thanks Jamal for letting me send out this email!


Lingke Wang
CEO & Co-Founder, Renovat'd

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