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Weekly Sprint Update & Collective Brainstorming

Photo of Atlas Atendido
Hosted By
Atlas A.
Weekly Sprint Update & Collective Brainstorming


Our weekly meeting to catch up on the progress of voting systems, our app development, progress on recruiting, marketing efforts, and discuss the ethical use of autonomous agents to handle the business end of our art - so we can be fully free to just create cool stuff! It will be at this point of the meeting that we drop new tools and features for our members to utilize in their creative livelihood.

Bring whatever gear you need to work on your craft and learn from others, because after we take 45-90 minutes discussing what progress design & engineering teams have made over the past week, what creatives and patrons want them to build next, and how we can all collectively market our creative hive-mind... We then dive into teaching and learning cool stuff in an open lab environment as we all work on our own individual creative projects, together, for everyone to help each other with and get feedback from.

Two rules for the second half of this meeting..

One: if your a student and feel like everyone is better than you, first rule is to be brave and proud that your picking up a new craft!!! Learning new things is extremely hard (continuing to do it even though it is a painful chore to be terrible at something yet still do it anyway is even harder!!), so even if we may sometimes slip into a fixed mindset and feel like imposters and that we suck and that person is way better than us, remember its okay because those that are better than you know how much work it took to get to where they are at, they've been there before and know how it feels.. but they also know just on the other side of this stretch of learning is a beautiful moment where you begin to make stuff you love - so you just gotta hang in there and keep going!! a bit more practice and you got this!!!!!!

On the other hand, if you feel like your better than everyone, the first rule is to check your ego at the door and encourage students in a way that they know its okay to be where their at in their creative journey. Confidence, having trust in your own abilities, comes from practice and making humble mistakes while fostering a growth mindset - Arrogance, thinking you are somehow more important or better than others, comes from insecurity and toxic shame that makes us feel we need to be perfect for other people to love us.. to our creatives with greater skill and experience, be confident and meet arrogance with hugs.

Two: When were early in our journeys we don't have much distinguished in our creative process. Any sort of creative process moves from a very loose and fast and messy storm, then slowly refines from some combination of some idea in our minds eye and the physical limit of our skill or technique, and then we reach a point we've had enough decision fatigue and its good enough.

This portion of the meeting is help every creative regardless of their specific craft and level of experience, with the fast and loose portion of the creative process.. which in my experience is the hardest, because it is also the most subtle phase of learning. And it is actually a point we return to over and over again every time we hit a snag and dont know where to go next with it. So the second rule is to not just be okay with making creative mistakes but make them on purpose and include other creatives that use other kinds of creative thinking to help add as many ideas and thoughts about how to get over your current creative block or challenge. The more wild and eclectic inputs you have for your mind during this point of creating, the better!!

While all the creatives drum up a creative hurricane to knock each other loose from being stuck in their projects, Design and engineering teams (At the moment just myself, Atlas.. hehe) will work on the app in the open and teach non-technical creatives that want to learn to code and or design, while learning 1 on 1 with each creative about their processes and how they think when making art.

Photo of Collective Muse | Artist-worker owned social media app group
Collective Muse | Artist-worker owned social media app
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