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This Sunday's special potluck gathering

From: Lisa S.
Sent on: Thursday, March 27, 2014, 10:16 AM

HI everyone,

Really looking forward to Sunday and our special event with Jessica and Alka of PETA AND having Liz Marshall and Jo-Anne McArthur of The Ghosts in Our Machine be visiting guests.

If you could update your RSVP asap so we can plan the room accordingly that would be most appreciated. It is an awesome space and will be very comfortable but we want to make sure we configure the room for the best presentation and knowing accurate numbers of folks attending will help us with that. We have this gathering posted on other meetups and FB events so you only need to RSVP to one but it's OK if you already RSVP'd twice. I will figure it out.;-)

Can't wait to eat and learn and laugh and connect with all of you.


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