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What we’re about

In a series of lectures on Philosophy (‘Great Ideas of Philosophy, 2nd Edition’ available on CD from the Columbus Metropolitan Library), Oxford Professor Daniel N. Robinson said that philosophy is the exploration of three key areas: knowledge, how we behave, and how we govern.

Join us and enjoy a fun and engaging evening as we explore philosophical questions through thought-provoking dialogue. No philosophy background is needed, just bring your questioning mind and seeking spirit. Before each gathering we will distribute (by email) or post (as a file or a discussion on this site) a short article for everyone to read, and when we gather we will go over notes on the article (prepared by the organizer) and then move into a free-form discussion on the article and related subjects.

We initiate new members by asking them to briefly answer three questions at their first gathering: (1) What do they feel is the meaning/purpose of life? (2) How do they see that occurring (or not) in their own life? (3) How do they see that occurring (or not) in the world/universe?

We try to meet semi-monthly on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, but that may change from time to time depending on holidays, the schedule of our host venue, etc.. Your best bet is to use this site to check the dates on which we plan to gather.

If you haven't already done so, please consider adding a face photo to your profile? Doing so tends to foster community by making it easier for people to recognize each other and remember everyone’s name. Also, if you’d like to chip in a few dollars to offset the cost of hosting our group on, please use the “Chip In” button on our group’s home page on