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Re: [Comal-River-Riders-Club] Wood's Cycle Country

From: Bill H.
Sent on: Friday, December 12, 2014, 3:01 PM
It was, indeed, a very nice evening.  Enjoyed meeting new people.  Wood’s gave away a TON of gifts last night.  (Good folks).
Sent: Friday, December 12,[masked]:44 AM
Subject: [Comal-River-Riders-Club] Wood's Cycle Country

I would like to personally thank all the members that helped out last night at Woods. Mr. Woods was extremely impressed, with his only concern being that no one in our club won the grand prize! This is about the only time of the year that our sponsor requests our help in spite of our repeated requests to do more for them.

I look forward to our Christmas Party on Sunday and to seeing so many of my friends again.


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