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2015 and profile pictures

From: John P.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 8:26 AM

First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!!

As we head into 2015 I would like to remind everyone that it has been requested in the past that members post a profile picture of themselves so other members can put a face with a name. Additionally, we have some members that have nicknames posted instead of their actual names. This can be done by clicking on the pull-down oval at the top of the CRRC home page and then clicking on "settings". Both your name and profile pic can be added/edited here, among other things.

Our club has grown quickly, and it's important that all get to know each other. I know I'm not the only one with trouble remembering names. If anyone needs further help with this just send me a message.

Lastly, I will be purifying our meetup member list after the Feb 2nd meeting by removing unpaid members. Please be sure you have paid up your 2015 dues by then. The sooner the better so we can make sure you've been credited.

Again, Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all the members of this great club! Let it be safe!!!
