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How To Meet Your Ideal Person Without Wasting Anymore Time

Photo of Devon Ash
Hosted By
Devon A.
How To Meet Your Ideal Person Without Wasting Anymore Time


Please note: the map is showing the incorrect side of the park for our event. When you arrive, you want to head under the bridge to the WEST loop of the park. To be clear, this is NOT the side with the fountain and tennis courts.

Vancouver is such a beautiful place but it can be kind of anti-social, but we can change that together. We are hosting another live in person workshop on April 17th at 6:30pm.

It will be a training then a social hang at the legendary Bimini which has turned into a super inclusive space for everyone in Kits.

Learn and practice real-world flirtation that you can utilize in everyday scenarios – from that cozy cafe on Commercial Drive to the bustling shop on 4th avenue, and even while just sauntering down the downtown streets or along the seawall.

Are you ready to overhaul your dating life and leave the era of disappointing results behind?

In our dynamic workshop, we'll empower you with the awareness of your body language, helping you understand the subtle cues that could either attract or repel connections. You'll learn practical tools to amplify your attraction factor instantly and transform your social dynamics.
We'll be diving deep into crucial areas from body language to conversation skills, ensuring that you are ready to rise to the challenges of social interaction in 2024. Best of all, the skills you acquire are immediately applicable after our workshop!

Our event is an inclusive space for both men and women striving to boost their dating experiences and inject more fun into their romantic endeavours.

Prepare for a stimulating mix of open Q&A, engaging exercises, and practical drills, all designed to fortify your single life in Vancouver.
💐 SPRING into a more social life as the weather finally starts to get better ☀

Over the last 16 years, my team at and I have been honing the interpersonal skills of individuals and corporations, including renowned names like Apple and Google. Our mission is to help you thrive in your social engagements, enhance your career prospects, and cultivate more satisfying dating experiences.

This workshop is your ultimate social fitness gym, providing you with a golden opportunity to exercise your social muscles and emerge with newfound confidence, ready to engage, interact and play!
Who knows, you might just meet someone special at the event!

🔒 Limited Spaces – Secure Your Spot Now! 🔒

Considering our capacity limitations, please RSVP promptly to ensure your spot, and kindly refrain from reserving if you can't make it out.
WARNING: After you have attended 3 of our events you will be charged $75 to attend future events.

ON THE OTHER HAND: If you've contemplated attending these events before but always backed out at the last minute, consider this your official SIGN to take action!

Join us and relearn the art of connecting with anyone in Vancouver.

Embrace the chance to reignite your social flame with us at Social Fluency. 🔥

Photo of Come Together Vancouver group
Come Together Vancouver
See more events
Granville Loop Park
1435 W 5th Ave · Vancouver, BC
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
15 spots left