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What we’re about

Hey everyone! The Commerce Party Meetup is for anyone interested and passionate about ecommerce, online retail & business, technology, and entrepreneurship. We want to build a fun community for innovators, ecommerce experts, and entrepreneurs to casually connect with peers. We encourage and drive discussions on technology, digital trends, shipping, and all other aspects of ecommerce in hopes of building a unified community for the ecommerce ecosystem. 

If you are interested in sponsoring and presenting at a future Meetup event, please reach out to for more information and available dates!

About the Organizers:

ShipperHQ is an Austin-based SaaS company and champion of the ecommerce community. When we aren't mingling at Meetups, you can find us avidly tweeting ( or continuing to improve the lives of merchants with our shipping experience management software. If you're looking to increase conversions with customized shipping options and rates at checkout, give us a shout!