What we’re about
For some time the idea of communal co-op socialistic has intrigued me. However, most people who become interested in it seek so out of GREED. The idea of "To each according to his/her contribution" Vs "To each according to his/her need". So to this end, I seek kinship with those who seek "To each according to his/her contribution" in line with building a group or system that in the fullness of time can honor the social contract of "To each according to his/her need".
Building such will be a lot of HARD WORK: but if there are others willing would be work worth doing.
Fundamentally this group would be communal in nature, and within reason, a degree of “fairly take and fairly give /Freely you have received; freely give”. In that, if people only seek to come and TAKE from the group with their hand out there will be no group from which to take, but for those who seek to tend the group as one would a garden in time can have it can grow to give them more from what they give it.
This group is forming at this time. Rather than set the plan I first seek to find the PEOPLE who want to build. Then based on OUR NEEDS, and what WE CAN CONTRIBUTE: set plans that WE CAN HONOR to enrich our lives.
What ultimate form this will take will honestly depend on WHO THE PEOPLE ARE WHO ARE WILLING TO DO THE WORK.