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What we’re about

We explore the science of hacking quantum random number sequences ( ANU Quantum QRNG) and predict outcome.
Subatomic activities are phenomena of interactive complex system. Multiple particles interact with each other to generate unpredictability and uncertainty in measuring movements and momentum. This is the verdict of Quantum Mechanic in the understanding of subatomic world.
RDS Complex System Software works around instead using the linear information recovered from the energy emitted from the particular complex system. This is exemplified by the ANU Quantum Random Number Generator, it uses quantum vacuum tube vibrations of matter and antimatter to generate linear random information.
Our software translates random number inputs to generate dynamic chart movements which have undergone emergent transformation.
The chart movements are repetitive geometric patterns displaying symmetrical properties.
Base on this emergent propertied, we have designed symmetric algorithms to monitor lateral image symmetry to attempt predictions.
Members will learn to use symmetric algorithms to do accurate predictions.

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