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Word Musician: GUS FAFALIOS

From: Andrea
Sent on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 8:45 AM
Hello everyone,
my name is Andrea and I manage world/rock guitarist GUS FAFALIOS.  I invite you all to check out his cd "Night Fishing" (available on iTunes, cdBaby and  The cd ranges in style and genre from Mediterranean, blues, ambient, jam band to rock and includes 9 originals and 4 covers. Definitely something for everybody!  Guest musicians include: Kenny Aaronson (Billy Idol, Bob Dylan, Joan Jett, Derringer), Steve Holley (Paul McCartney And Wings, Ian Hunter), Greg Smith (Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Dokken, Rainbow), Keith Christopher (Georgia Satellites, The Black Crowes, Willie Nelson, Ray Charles, Richie Havens), Lorenza Ponce (Sheryl Crow, Bon Jovi, The Dixie Chicks), John Macaluso (Yngwie Malmsteen), Jimmy Kunes (Cactus, Savoy Brown), J.P. Bowersock (Ryan Adams and The Cardinals), Sarah Mather (American Idol's Season Four Finalist) and Paul Morris (Rainbow). If you love Enya's music or Eric Clapton then you will love Gus Fafalios's cd "Night Fishing".  This is a great world music cd with some powerful in-your-face rock!
Thank you for reading and Happy Memorial Day!

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