What we’re about
What makes this drum circle different? In addition to raising the energy, we also enjoy the subtleties, the dynamics and even the silence of our music. Drums are joined by stringed instruments, flute or piano at times, creating a rich and deep tapestry anchored by the groove. All ability levels welcome
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Improv Jam at the Village ZendoZen Center Village Zendo, New York, NY
Improv Jam at the Village Zendo
260 W Broadway #1G, New York, NY 10013
Entrance located on St. Johns Lane
(212) 925-9423
Directions: https://goo.gl/maps/Kkwi4VNux7qrzLtBA
If you need help accessing the building please text Todd at 315-569-3635
4:00-4:30 - Instructional Session - learn simple, fun techniques for freeing up your sound
4:30-6:00 Improv Jam
This is a musical jam that welcomes all, from beginners to professionals. Basic instruction is provided for those who are new to music or new to music improvisation. Prior experience is not necessary. Renew your musical and creative inspiration, increase your skill and self-confidence in improvising, receive a multitude of enjoyable practice techniques for continued musical growth and play with other creative, supportive musicians. Based on Music for People techniques this open kind of improvisation is a great fit for beginners and professionals alike. Inspiring and fun for performers, singers, teachers, dancers, and amateur musicians. No experience needed!
If you want to develop and deepen your relationship to music by playing together, this gathering will give you the space and time needed to dive into the world of rhythms, melodies and harmonies. The philosophy of Music for People promotes intuitive access to your own sense of musical play and presents ideas on how this love for music improvisation could be shared with others.
Check out the Music for People YouTube channel to learn more:
Suggested Donation: $10