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Re: [nightlife-277] New Years

From: Neil
Sent on: Saturday, December 27, 2008, 4:44 PM
On further thought I'm not sure even I want to drive back from Hartford at that hour.
The mansion's fine, since you can move around and have conversations.
I guess Keys would make a good second pick, though if you're at a loud table, talking is harder.
Thanks for making the effort on this, Bill.

On 12/27/08, Bill Olender <[address removed]> wrote:
Ok so its gettign pretty late here so far everyone seems to be interested in the mansion.

Ill have to get this set up before the weekend is over so if you get this email and your intersted in goin out just respond with your choice and ill set whatever one up.

Neil from the group mentioned first night in hartford but I am not sure if everyone wants to go up there.

For more info on the mansion its a private house off grand ave in eastern new haven. Its up on a hill so you can see downtown and stuff. Nice view. Its really old and abraham lincoln was there and did a speech off the porch. The lady made it like a party house wiht live music every weekend, full bar with reasonable drinks, and even rooms available to rent for 35 a night. Theres lots of rooms there and the bar area has couches and a fireplace. Nice chill place.

Just email back with your answer below.

Mansion in New Haven
Keys to the city at Cafe Bottega
First Night in Hartford
Other - Make suggestion


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