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New Meetup: New Haven Tip Drive Fundraiser 5/1 Bar Crawl - Start at Richters

From: Bill O.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:31 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Connecticut 20s and 30s Social & Singles Group!

What: New Haven Tip Drive Fundraiser 5/1 Bar Crawl - Start at Richters

When: May 1,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Ok so what better idea then to drink/eat and support the Hamden woman who was severly beaten and raped back in March while leaving work from Temple Grill. The full story is below along with participating venues.

We will start at Richters and then move along to another participating venue. I suspect more will be added so well just play it by ear after Richters but right now the only one close to there is Bar.

Everyone come out and help raise some $$$ and have a good time.

Any questions let me know.


Tip Drive
Servers, Bartenders, Hosts and other tipped employees at the following Restaurants will be donating 20% or more of their tips on May 1, to the New Day Fund for the Survivor's Family.

Participating Restaurants on Friday May 1,

Tre Scalini
Eli's on Whitney,
Eli's Brick Oven Pizza
Eli's on the Hill
Pasta Cosi
Christopher Martin's
Modern Apizza
J.P. Dempseys
Co Jones
Park Central Tavern
Yellowfins in Cheshire
Rikeesa Hair Salon
Temple Grill

Hamden woman severely beaten, sexually assaulted
Friday, March 27, 2009

By Ann DeMatteo, Assistant Metro Editor

HAMDEN ? A woman was clinging to life in Yale-New Haven Hospital following a vicious attack by a co-worker who tried to snap her neck, stomped on her chest, and left her for dead early today.

The 25-year-old woman from Hamden was repeatedly beaten and raped by the man, who was being held in lieu of $1 million bail at police headquarters, police said.

Police are not releasing their names, but the man was charged with criminal attempt to commit murder, and sexual assault, kidnapping and strangulation, all in the first degree, and second-degree assault.

The woman told officers that at approximately 1:30 a.m., the co-worker at Temple Grill on Temple Street in New Haven asked her for a ride home, police said. As she drove, he punched her in the face, causing her to fall out of her car. She attempted to call police from her cell phone but the man took it from her and broke it. She was then continuously beaten and sexually assaulted, police said.

The man, who is about 30 years old according to a witness, then forced her back into her car, and drove her to the Hamden section of East Rock Park. They exited the vehicle, walking along a pathway, police said. The man started to sexually assault her. She pleaded for her life and was beaten again. He then tried to snap her neck, stomped on her chest, and continually struck her in the head and body with a branch. She played dead and the assault ended. The man drove off in her car. She then banged on the door of a Ridge Road residence, and an occupant called 911.

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