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What weโ€™re about

Dear Everyday Conscious Leaders in Berlin,

WELCOME to our Hub-Homepage!

My name is Taylor Coburn and I am the hub-captain of this meet-up group in Berlin. I am writing this message to you as your hub-host, facilitator, and leader. I am also an American who has been living in Berlin for the past 13 years, a chihuahua mom ๐Ÿพ, and a very passionate everyday conscious leader!โœจ

1๏ธโƒฃLet's start with: Why does this community exist?1๏ธโƒฃ

Leadership is an innate human superpower that EACH OF US possesses.
Unfortunately, with the conventional social systems currently holding the power - we are not taught how or encouraged to unleash the inner leader that lives in each of us!

We are made to believe that leadership = hierarchy, powerlessness, abdication of our own authority and agency, and a repository for us to refer to for answers to our questions or guidance on what to do nextโ€ฆwhen in truthโ€ฆthe answers we seek are already in usโ€ฆIn our HEARTS! ๐Ÿ’œ

All too often we get stuck, do not know what we want, do not know what step to take next, do not know how to get our projects and the groups we lead like partnerships, families, teams, and entire organizations to move towards our visions in a humane, heart-led, and sustainable wayโ€ฆ

Everyday Conscious Leadership (ECL) Berlin is a social-impact movement looking to change that!

We FIRMLY BELIEVE that coming together and exchanging on our conscious everyday leadership in whatever capacity we lead - we are stronger and much more effective in participating in and raising awareness of a leadership paradigm that truly benefits ALL.

Thatโ€™s why - we are here to create an ongoing party and movement that focuses on:

  • Transcending traditional views of leadership
  • Recognizing and realizing the leadership potential inherent in each of us
  • Celebrating the power of leading with intention and integrity


2๏ธโƒฃAnd...Who are we?2๏ธโƒฃ

We are humans, Berliners, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, managers, teachers, artists, fill-in-the-blank on a path of personal growth learning how to lead ourselves, loved ones, teams, projects, and groups of humans of any kind with intention, integrity, and a commitment to moving the energy in the direction that will create the best outcome for all.

Our Berliner community is part of a global network of Everyday Conscious Leaders founded by the collaborators of Creative Self Mastery - a conscious collaborative led by Marc DiFrancia.

3๏ธโƒฃWhat do we do and when?3๏ธโƒฃ

We come together twice every month at everyday conscious leadership parties:

(1) We kick off the month together every first Monday at 9am where we come together globally at the same hour with the other hubs to hold an event with a common theme. These events are recorded and uploaded to our online library. For these events, we look for community members to hold workshops, participate in panel discussions, give a lecture, etc. under the common theme.

(2) Every third Monday of the month - I will host and co-organize meetup events with community members that bring the community together mid-month to connect, integrate, and have more FUN!

4๏ธโƒฃWhere do our events take place?4๏ธโƒฃ

Our events take place at various locations around Berlin.
Some of the meetups will be online.

I look forward to getting to know you and growing together! ๐ŸŒฑ

Taylor Coburn ๐Ÿ’œ
ECL Berlin Hub-Captain

Upcoming events (1)

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