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Re: [consciousliving] This is beautiful...

From: Liza
Sent on: Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 10:01 AM
Hi Max

Thanks for your email. 

I'm very interested in attending Stewarts workshop & would like to book a ticket. 

However I'm having problems paying using the link, as it asks for a post code at end of payment which I don't have,so it won't allow payment to go through.

Can you advise what to enter in his cell in order to complete the payment? 

Many thanks

Sent from my iPhone

On 29 Nov 2011, at 00:23, Max Leone <[address removed]> wrote:


Dear Conscious Living People,

As you all know, one of our most celebrated speakers, Voice Coach & Sound Healer STEWART PEARCE, will be back in Dublin on Saturday December 17th to present the long-awaited and long-anticipated full day workshop entitled 'ANGELS OF ATLANTIS'.

We officially announced this special event on October 28th, when Stewart came to visit our group for a brief introduction to what he is going to fully explore with us in less than three weeks from now.

Immediately after the event, we started receiving emails from many of you, saying how beautiful that evening had been and today, we want to share with you one of them in particular, that was addressed directly to Stewart by one of the attendees.

Here is what it says:


"A couple of weeks ago, here in Dublin I had a chance to come and listen to you.
I am going to be brutally honest about that evening.
It was fantastic, even magical. Truly.

Never experienced anything like that before in my life.
The time when we were all together, what do you call it, meditating and making sound was extraordinary.
Way the sound echoed in the room came stronger and stronger. Why do I feel that it was not only us in the room, but we were joined and assisted by "others"?

You asked us in the beginning, who are we? Only afterwards, I realised that we did not ask you, who are you?
Of course you told us something, but there is more to it and one day, I hope that I will have a chance to know more about, who are you? :-)

You have given me a lot to think about, something new and different, which is great.
So thank you and I would appreciate, if you could send me some further information on some things that you mentioned during that night, like why September 11th happened.

Thank you in advance for that and warm regards from Dublin and blessings! With Love"


Isn't it beautiful? We think it's awesome!! and...if spending less that two hours with Stewart can have such a strong impact on someone's life, what will happen after spending and entire day with him...? 

Full-day Workshop: ANGELS OF ATLANTIS - Voice Coach/Sound Healer STEWART PEARCE


Love & Light

Max Leone






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