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If you want to bring new relationships into your life, take the initiative!

From: Max L.
Sent on: Sunday, September 2, 2012, 10:28 AM

If you want to bring new relationships into your life, don’t wait for others to come to you, take the initiative! In the long run, waiting causes too many missed opportunities (and leads to regret...). So don't be afraid, take the initiative!

I know, I know, fear of rejection makes minor social interactions seem like gigantic threats but really, is there anything inherently dangerous about walking up to another person and saying, "Hi, my name is Bill/Mary, you look like someone I haven't met yet. What's your name:-)?". The worst case is that you part ways and nothing happens (by the way, you still have billions of opportunities depending on how many other people live on the planet at that moment;-). The best case is that you get swept away in a torrent of physical, emotional & spiritual love!!”. (honestly, how many times can you afford to make a bet like that...:)!?)

The reality is that when you hold back from connecting due to fear of rejection, you rob other people of the chance to get to know you. And many of them would love to deeply connect with you. (and be in a relationship with you:)! They want someone to understand them, someone who can remind them who they really are (and the same is true for you...).

When you connect with people you're giving each other exactly what we all want as human and life is filled with opportunities to share beautiful moments with people. One of the easiest ways to lovingly connect with other people is to share something with them. So share a conversation, share experiences, share stories, share laughs, share a meal, share playfulness, share yourself...and in doing so, you’ll give one another a chance to experience Oneness...

In conclusion, reaching out socially may entail some minor “risks”, but the long-term benefits are so enormous that the only way to fail is to refuse to try...


Love & Light



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